Workspace Folders

You can organize the workspace to declutter your project collection by adding folders and moving projects or folders into them. Folders in dharma work just like those in your operating system so they can be nested and moved at will. 

Add Folder

Folders can be added just like projects by clicking on the “Add Folder” button at the top of the page and in the center of the page if no projects or folders exist. 

Note that only workspace administrators can add new folders.

This will open a new folder card in the workspace where you must provide a name. Also you can pick where this new folder will live by selecting a parent. By default whatever folder you are in will be selected.

Edit Folder

Click the gear icon on any folder and select the “Edit” option.

Here you can change the location of the folder again or rename it.

Delete Folder

To delete a folder, click on the gear icon and select ‘Delete’. Deleting a folder will move all of its contents to the workspace home page . Only Workspace Administrators have permissions to do this.