Clients are now able to generate a URL that can be embedded on a website or in an email to collect responses from anyone with access to the URL. .
Create a single point survey in the ‘Form Builder’.
Go to the ‘Data’ page and click “Create Survey URL”.
The first time you navigate here the URL field will be blank. Click "Generate New URL". If a URL has already been generated it will display in the field.
Click “Copy”.
You can now embed this link on a website, in an email, or paste the URL in any web browser. . The survey will display.
Tips, Tricks, and Suggestions:
If the URL field displays blank after clicking "Generate New URL", click cancel and refresh the data page. The URL will display when you click “Create Survey URL”
Dharma Surveys can be completed via mobile browser, however the functionality is optimized for web browsers.
Dharma is supported on Chrome and Firefox.
This functionality is available on Single Point projects.
When you generate a new URL, the previously generated URL will no longer work.