Understanding User Roles for Projects

How to assign admins, researchers, managers, and other project staff and add guests to sites.

There are many types of user roles within organizations and projects. Each role has different levels of access to the project. These include various administrator roles, guests, and field staff:

Collaborator/Administrator-type roles:


  1. Workspace Administrators - The super user of a Dharma account. They can create, access and modify any project within the organization. Can only be added by other super users (i.e. existing Org Administrators or Dharma staff). 

  2. Project Administrators - A project administrator has access to everything within a particular project, from modifying the form, seeing results on web and mobile*, and adding/deleting user roles. 

  3. Collaborators - only have access to the Form Builder feature of the project and can edit/add/delete questions in the form, create categories, etc. 

  4. Researchers - only have access to the results on web and mobile* and data export feature of the project.

  5. Data Managers - can see view, complete/uncomplete (lock/unlock), delete, and edit existing records on web and mobile*.

  6. Staff Managers - can add/delete staff, change staff grouping, and see the staff tracking dashboard.


Guests - similar to researchers, they only have access to the Results dashboard of a project. However, guests are assigned to specific sites and will only be able to view results for that site. They cannot download or export the data. 

Collectors - field staff that will be collecting data once forms have been built, saved, and pushed out. Collectors can fill out project forms on the Dharma mobile app and web platform. For more information about Field Staff, read our article on Assigning Collectors

An individual can hold any of these user roles simultaneously. For example, you can assign someone Researcher access to examine the results data and identify potential outliers or issues, as well as Data Manager access to edit or delete those records.

*Administrator roles on mobile

To enable administrative access on the mobile app--for example, to enable project administrators or researchers to view Results on mobile, or Data Managers to uncomplete records--you must assign users as BOTH their primary administrative role AND collector status. They will then be able to see the project on their mobile device with corresponding admin access.

Adding and Editing User Access


To view and control which individuals are given access to your project, start at Setting --> Users --> Managers

Select the blue box titled Add Administrator under the user heading you'd like to assign someone.

We'll then see a box to enter the individual's name and email. We can also toggle between the other roles to assign several roles to an individual at once. Once you've finished the settings, select Save


Next, we'll move on to the Guests subsection of the Users page. Here, we can assign individuals limited access to the results collected from a particular project site. 

Similarly to collaborator roles, once we select Add Guest within a site, a box will prompt us to specify name, email, and site assignment. We can toggle and give one guest access to multiple sites. When done, press Save.


For more information about Field Staff, read our article on Assigning Collectors. Additionally, for more information about Field Staff Grouping read our article on Understanding Sites, Groups, and Teams

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