Another useful feature when looking at results are Comparisons. This gives you the ability to compare the results of one question by the groupings from the results of another question, also known as cross-tabulation. It’s particularly useful when you need to see how a question’s answers differ for certain populations - for example, if you’re trying to get an idea of whether early voting is more common among men or women, or if you’re looking at how vaccination rates differ by respondents’ locations.

To use this feature, click on the gear icon located on the top right corner for a specific question and select Add Comparison

We'll then see a box prompting us to choose what question we would like to compare. As we begin typing, questions with similar spelling contained within the form will be suggested. 

Once we've chosen our question (What is your department?), we can also control what responses of that question we would prefer to be shown. Let's uncheck baseline data and select Add Comparison. (baseline data shows the overall data for all responses, you can leave it checked or unchecked based on preference)

The chart will now show a comparison of the way respondents heard about the supplier, broken down by department:

If we select the gear icon once more, we have the option to Edit Comparison question or Remove Comparison completely. After removing comparison, the question's visual will have returned to its original form. 

If our base question is numeric, we have an additional set of choices for Adding Comparisons. We can choose to compare distributions across groups, or to aggregate values of each group using different parameters like SUM, COUNT, or AVERAGE.

For example, maybe we want to see the total number of pens requested by each department:

NOTE: if a filter is enabled, it will be applied before a specific comparison across items on your form.

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