Skip Logic Continued. If this is new, start with Part 1

Dharma gives you the capabilities to makes these complex conditional statements for an impressive skip-logic with any combination of these three main operators ANDOR,  NOT.

  • condition 1 AND condition 2 are asked additional questions

  • condition 1 OR condition 2 are asked additional questions

  • condition 1 AND NOT condition 2 are asked additional questions 

  • condition 1 OR NOT condition 2 are asked additional questions

  • NOT condition 1 AND condition 2 are asked additional questions

  • NOT condition 1 OR condition 2 OR condition 3

  • and more...

Let's jump into creating a group with one condition with the operator NOT. To begin, we can select ADD GROUP. Within the empty blue outlined box that has newly appeared, let's press ADD CONDITION.

New options will appear, where we can set the Operator and Question for the condition. We can choose to have an operator or not. Let's select NOT and continue with choosing out question and response for our condition

Once we've finalized our condition by pressing the check icon to the right, our condition should look like this.

Let's create another group with a complex condition including two conditions.

After adding the first condition, we can simply click ADD CONDITION to add another condition. (We can create complex conditions that include 3, 4, or more conditions as well!)

We can always go back and edit the condition question or operator by selecting the pencil icons located to the right of the conditions!

Let's move onto how the complex conditions will look like on the mobile platform. Depending on how you answer the questions used in your condition, the collector will see different groups of additional questions.

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