Many data projects have questions they’ll only ask if certain conditions are met - for example, if a person is employed, they’ll receive a follow-up question asking their occupation. There are two main ways to use skip logic with Dharma.

Method 1: Create A Group

Let’s say that we have a specific group of questions for people who are retail shoppers at a store called I Love Shopping. We’ll start by creating a question that asks respondents whether they are first time shoppers. Then we’ll click Add Group.

Doing so will create a box below the question.

When you click on Add Condition, you’ll see an option to choose a prior question that will lead to that box. Since we've only asked one questions so far, we can choose Are you a first time shopper at I Love Shopping?

Once you've chosen a question, a small drop down menu will appear. By clicking on it, you'll be able to set the condition (in other words, what the respondent has to answer in order to get to this set of questions). If necessary, you can add multiple responses that are acceptable by selecting the + icon. For this examples, let's choose Yes as the condition. 

Clicking on the check icon in the corner will allow you to finalize this condition. (You can always edit it later by clicking on the condition again.)

From there, it’s simple to add questions for this group of respondents - just click Add Question within the green box. (You can also add instructions, or even nest another group of questions inside of this one.) To delete the group select the three dot icon on the top right corner of the box and press Delete.

For this example, we'll ask How would you rate your first shopping experience at I Love Shopping?

And we'll follow that with whether the customer will return to the store another time. Because all of these questions are in the same group, they'll only appear on the mobile app if the respondent answers Yes to the first question.

Note that you can reorder these questions by dragging and dropping them within the group. You can minimize and maximize the questions as well by clicking on their colored top borders to ease this process. 

Method 2: Follow-Up Questions

There’s also a skip-logic shortcut - the follow-up question. Rather than clicking Create a new group, you can create follow-ups by simply clicking on the arrow to the right of the answer (for Yes/No and Multiple Choice questions).

Let's return to our question asking whether a customer is a first time shopper. We'll click on the arrow next to the answer No to generate follow-up questions.

When we do, it will create a group that's automatically tied to that question. All you have to do is fill in the question and response type.

Conditionality and Categories

You may also wish to create a form in which choosing a question will cause a new category to 

appear. For example, let's say that you want to ask each respondent a different set of questions.

Notice that even though it's a different category, we can choose questions from anywhere in the form to trigger our skip logic. In this case, we chose a question from the first category: "Are you a first time shopper at I Love Shopping?" We'll simply ask, "What do you enjoy most about I Love Shopping?"

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